The Morris Canal in JC: Past, Present, Future
Presentations on the canal's history and future plans to expand the Morris Canal Greenway through Jersey City's Connectivity Plan.
The Morris Canal in JC: Past, Present, Future A Forum on the Morris Canal in JC: Past, Present, Future will be held at the Museum of Jersey City History, at the Apple Tree House, 298 Academy Street, on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Forum Agenda:
Welcome/Introductory remarks. Moderator: Steve Krinsky, Hudson County Sierra Club/Morris Canal Greenway Working Group
“The Morris Canal in Jersey City: Then/Now.” Slideshow by Mike Heibling from Metrotrails
History of the Morris Canal, first in NJ, then in JC. Joe Macasek, Canal Society of NJ.
The Morris Canal and the Underground Railroad. Jerome Choice, Berry Lane Park/Museum of Jersey City History
The Morris Canal in the 20th Century: The old Jersey City meets the new Jersey City. John Beekman, JC Free Public Library
The Morris Canal Greenway in Jersey City. One of our JC Transportation Planners will talk about efforts to expand the greenway– as part of the JC Connectivity Plan